Heights in the history of the Folklore dance ensemble

Tradition is passing on embers, no cold ashes.” (Ricarda Huch)

Over 65 years of dancing on the traces of our culture …

  • Participation at the 30. international folklore festival “MSFF” in Cieszyn/Katowice in Poland
  • Participation at the international folklore festival “Folkfaro” in Faro / Portugal
  • Participation at the “Festival Internacional de Danzas” in Villablanca / Spain
  • 2. Award at the 6. Federal republic competition “Youth dancing” in Paderborn / Germany with a part of the dance „Orakel fragen” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival “Danetzare” in Erfurt / Germany
  • Participation at the international folklore festival “25. Summerfest” in Szazhalombatta, Hungary
  • 1. Award at the 6. State competition „Youth dancing” in Neustadt/Sa. / Germany with a part of the dance „Orakel fragen” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Sumperk / Czech Republic
  • 2. Award at the 5. Federal republic competition in Paderborn / Germany with the dance “Wer zuerst am Maibaum ist” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival “Danetzare” in Erfurt / Germany
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Katowice / Poland
  • 1. Award at the 5. State competition “Youth dancing” in Dresden with the dance „Wer zuerst am Maibaum ist” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Poznan / Poland
  • 1. Award at the 2. International folk dance festival in Riesa / Germany with the dance „Wenn im Herbst die Trauben reifen”
  • 1. Award at the 4. Federal republic competition in Paderborn / Germany with the dance “Hütejungen” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Katowice / Poland
  • 3. Award at the 1. International folk dance festival in Riesa / Germany
  • 1. Award at the 4. State competition “Youth dancing” in Dresden with the dance „Hütejungen” (category folk dance, age group 17-27)
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zielona Gora / Poland
  • 3. Award at the 3. Open Dance Competition in Rudolstadt with the choreography “Varsovienne”
  • Maud Butter assumes the artistic direction of the ensemble from Gert Hölzel
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Reims / France and at the Dance and Folk festival in Rudolstadt / Germany
  • Begin of the artistic collaboration with the dance ensemble “Helena Salichova” from Ostrava / Czech Republic
  • Participation at the Dance festival Benshausen / Germany and at the international folklore festival in Katowice / Poland
  • Participation at the international folklore festival “Danetzare” in Erfurt / Germany
  • Participation at the VIII. International folklore festival in Nowa Ruda / Poland
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Sas van Gent / Netherlands
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Ville de Saint-Ghislain / Belgium
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Reims / France
  • Participation at the 1. World festival “Folkloriada” in Brunssum / Netherlands
  • Participation at international folklore festival in the USA
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Florence / Italy
  • Participation at the International student festival in Nijmegen / Netherlands
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Cleveland / England – 1. Prize in the category “Choreographic edited dances” with the dance “Wenn im Herbst die Trauben reifen”
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Fribourg / Switzerland
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Rättvik / Sweden
  • The ensemble is named officially “Thea Maass”
  • Begin of the collaboration with Maud Butter, the 2. artistic employee
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zvolen / Czechoslovakia
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zielona Gora / Czechoslovakia
  • Award with the “Marti-Andersen-Nexö Art Prize” of the city Dresden
  • Participation at the international folklore festivals in Szeged / Hungary and in Katowice-Sosonowiec / Poland – Award 1. prize in the category “solo couple dance” with the choreography “Neckmazurka”
  • Summer tour” to Zwenkau / GDR (for film shoots of important dances from the repertoire of the ensemble for the Dance archive Leipzig)
  • Participations at the XXI. International folklore festival in Vychodna / Czechoslovakia and at the 40. International folklore festival in Straznice / Czechoslovakia
  • Golden medal of the 20. Worker festival of the GDR
  • Award „Hex of the work“
  • Production of the ballad “Die Bauern sind einig worden” from Aenne Goldschmidt
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zvolen / Slovakia
  • Award „Excellent folk art collective of the GDR“
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Leningrad / USSR
1981 / 84
  • Participation at the Summer festival days in Rostock / GDR
  • Participation at the 16. international folklore festival in Burgas / Bulgaria
  • “Award for artistic folk creating” 1. class
  • Award „Excellent folk art collective of the GDR“
  • Guest performance in Ostrava / Czechoslovakia
  • Tour through Romania (Scorniest et al.)
  • Participation at the folklore festival in Schmalkalden / GDR
  • Participation at the international Culture Days in Jelena Gora / Poland
  • Award „Excellent folk art collective of the GDR“
  • Golden medal of the 2. Festival of the German-Soviet friendship
  • With beginning of the season 1977/78, foundation of the children dance group at the Cultural House “August Bebel” as beginner group of the FDJ dance ensemble of the TU Dresden
1977 / 78 / 83
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zvolen / Czechoslovakia
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zielona Gora / Poland as well as at the Culture Days in Leningrad / USSR
  • Golden medal of the 16. Worker festival of the GDR
  • Gert Hölzel assumes the direction of the ensemble from Dolly Anger
  • Award „Excellent folk art collective of the GDR“
  • Participation at the 30. international folklore festival in Strasznice / Czechoslovakia as well as in Sosnovice / Hungary
  • Award of the TU Dresden 3. class
  • Participation at the international folklore festival in Zakopane as represent of the GDR together with a new founded instrumental group. Award “Silver Goralen axe” for the 2. Place in the category “stylized folklore”
  • Artur-Becker-Medal“ of the FDJ in silver
  • Award „Excellent folk art collective of the GDR“
  • Award 1. class for Artistic folk producing
1972 / 75
  • Guest performance in Hungary / Szekzard
1972 / 75 / 82
  • Guest performance in the USSR / Leningrad
  • Creation of a position for an artistic employee in the ensemble and employment of Gert Hölzel
  • Guest performances in Hungary / Eger and Gödelö
  • Golden medal of the 10. Worker festival of the GDR
  • Artur-Becker-Medal“ of the FDJ in bronze
  • Rating in „Upper classes – Excellent Folk art collective“
  • Production of the dance suite “Wenn im Herbst die Trauben reifen” and beginning of the collaboration with Thea Maass
  • Golden medal of the 9. Worker Festival of the GDR
1965 / 71 / 72
  • Guest performance in Poland / Wroclaw
1964 / 65 /67 /68 /76 / 84
  • Participations at the Worker festival of the GDR
  • Silver medal of the 7. Worker festival of the GDR
1964 – 89
  • Regular participation at all Dance festivals in Rudolstadt
  • Guest performance in Hungary / Debrecen
  • Golden medal of the 6. Worker festival of the GDR
  • Guest performances in the FRG and Hungary / Szeged
  • Cultural exchange with the Technical University Prague; Czechoslovakia tour
  • Dorothea (Dolly) Anger assumes the direction of the ensemble
  • Guest performance in the FRG / Delmenhorst
  • Participation at the 3. World Festival of the Youth and Students in Berlin
November 1950
  • In preparation of the 3. World Festival of the Youth and Students in Berlin: Foundation of a folk art ensemble at the Technical University Dresden

