International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances

1. TEIL:

A special highlight in Dresden every year: the ribbon tree dance around the maypole erected live by regional carpenters, which international students and young academics from TU Dresden of around 15 different nationalities will perform in their traditional national costumes at the opening of the Dresden Spring Market. Afterwards, the audience is invited to join in some convivial folk dancing, the folklore dance ensemble “Thea Maass” from TU Dresden performs several stage dance choreographies. Come by: on April 28 from noon on the Dresden Altmarkt – free admission and all kinds of food and drink!

Trailer film for the ribbon tree dance project:

Facebook event:

NEU: Fotos vom Bühnenprogramm des Ensembles, Fotos vom Bänderbaumtanz in der Facebook-Veranstaltung.


2. TEIL:

Intercultural folk DANCEs for everybody –
meet international students in the most universal language: dance!

When the Dresden Spring Market, which opened on April 28 at noon, ends almost a month later, the long ribbons once woven around the maypole will have to be “danced back”. This will take place on May 23 from 19:30 to 21:30 in a relaxed and fun atmosphere as part of the Dresden Student Days and led by the folklore dance ensemble “Thea Maass” from the TU Dresden. All those who like to move can take a long ribbon from the maypole and dance a few laps around the tree in a simple step sequence. There is an opportunity in between and afterwards, exchange ideas with Dresdeners and non-Dresdners, students and non-students over a snack & drink and take part in convivial folk dances.

– On 23.05.17 from 19:30 – 21:30 at the maypole on the Dresden Altmarkt
– Spontaneous participation possible for everyone in normal everyday clothing and comfortable shoes, please bring something small to eat or drink

Facebook event about this:

International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances