International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances. Draft created on March 14, 2018 at 17:29

International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances. Draft created on March 14, 2018 at 17:29

very year there is a special highlight in Dresden: the ribbon tree dance around the maypole, which is erected live by regional carpenters and performed by international students and young academics from TU Dresden of around 15 different nationalities in their traditional costumes to open the Dresden Spring Market. Afterwards, the audience will be invited to join in some convivial folk dancing and the TU Dresden folklore dance ensemble “Thea Maass” will perform several stage dance choreographies.

Dance & movement in the new semester? Folk dance course for everyone - from 25.10.2018!

Dance & movement in the new semester? Folk dance course for everyone - from 25.10.2018!

Folk dance sounds a bit dusty and sedate to some ears …, we’ll be happy to convince you otherwise! We dance folklore in a lively, sophisticated, cheerful and artistic way! If you feel like it, you can learn the basic steps of the polka, waltz, mazurka and turn in our folk dance course every Thursday evening from 25.10.2018 as well as how to use them in interesting and varied dances.

Folklore visit from Denmark

Folklore visit from Denmark

Goddag, welcome! Yesterday we were enriched by a folklore visit from Denmark. We gave an insight into our weekly training in the Alte Mensa, explained elements of the versatile German folklore and showed examples from our current stage program. We were then able to admire Danish dances and finally learned from each other by dancing together – and we realized that our cultural origins are not so different … Hjertelig tak!

German folklore as a guest in Poland 2017

German folklore as a guest in Poland 2017

Vom 26.08. bis 03.09.2017 waren wir beim 30. Jubiläum des Internationalen Folklorefestivals der CIOFF in Cieszyn/Katowice in Polen eingeladen. 26 unserer Tänzer und Musiker konnten vielfältige Eindrücke mitnehmen und auch fernab der schlesischen Bühnen im Austausch mit den anderen teilnehmenden Gruppen aus Algerien, Irland, Italien, Kap Verde, Polen, Serbien, Slowakei, Türkei und Zimbabwe bereichernde Erfahrungen sammeln.

Participation in the International Folklore Festival in Poland from 26.08. to 03.09.2017!

Participation in the International Folklore Festival in Poland from 26.08. to 03.09.2017!

A special highlight this year – as a continuation of our successes in recent years – will be our participation in the 30th anniversary of the International Folklore Festival in Katowice/Cieszyn ( from 26.08. to 03.09.17, to which we have received an invitation from a large number of international applicants. The other nine participating groups will be bringing their traditional dances from Algeria, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Turkey and Zimbabwe.

International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances

International ribbon tree dance & folklore dances

A special highlight in Dresden every year: the ribbon tree dance around the maypole erected live by regional carpenters, which international students and young academics from TU Dresden of around 15 different nationalities will perform in their traditional national costumes at the opening of the Dresden Spring Market. Afterwards, the audience will be invited to join in some convivial folk dancing and the TU Dresden folklore dance ensemble “Thea Maass” will perform several stage dance choreographies.
