CANCELLED: International Ribbon Tree Dance & Folklore Dances

— Latest news —

The ribbon tree dance and rehearsals will be canceled this year due to the current situation and will not take place. We wish you all health, strength and patience in this difficult situation.

Status: 23.03.2020

A special highlight in Dresden every year: the ribbon tree dance around the maypole erected by local carpenters. The ribbon tree dance is performed by international students and young academics from TU Dresden together with other dance enthusiasts at the opening of the Dresden Spring Market. This takes place in the traditional costumes of the respective country. After the folklore dance ensemble “Thea Maass” of the TU Dresden performs various stage dance choreographies, The audience is then invited to join in the convivial folk dancing.

Come by:on 02. May from noon on the Dresden Altmarkt!

Anyone who would like to dance the ribbons on the tree with us can contact us via email, phone or Facebook until 31.03.2020.

To prepare for the ribbon tree dance, there are obligatory rehearsal dates between 19:00 – 20:30.

Deadline: 02.04. / 07.04. / 14.04. / 16.04. / 23.04. / 28.04./ 30.04.

Trailer film for the ribbon tree dance project:

Facebook event:Preparation ribbon tree dance

Impressions from last year: Facebook-Fotoalbum.[:][:]

CANCELLED: International Ribbon Tree Dance & Folklore Dances