The Folklore Dance Ensemble “Thea Maass” of the TU Dresden celebrates on 08.05.2021 its 71st anniversary.
The event takes place under the motto„71 years of TUTE – “Harvest time in the Freital House of Culture instead! The event is divided into the anniversary program (from 14:00) and the ball planned for the evening (from 20:00). The seating plan shown here refers exclusively to the anniversary program in the afternoon.
Wann: | 08.05.2021 ab 14 Uhr |
Wo: | Kulturhaus Freital, Lutherstraße 2, 01705 Freital |
Jubiläumsprogramm – Normal: | 25€ |
Jubiläumsprogramm – Ermäßigt*: (*Schüler, Auszubildende, Studierende, Rentner, Schwerbehinderte) | 20€ |
Ball (inkl. Büffet und Begrüßungssekt, Liveband): | 49€ |
Kombiticket: | 70€ |
Please order your tickets by e-mail to with the subject “Ticket order” by 15.02.2021, stating your current postal address. You can express your wishes, otherwise we will allocate seats according to the number of orders received. Due to the corona pandemic, we will most likely not be able to allocate all places.
You will then receive a confirmation with a request for payment. Tickets will be dispatched from 25.02.2021.
We look forward to seeing you again!
The TIN and TER of the folklore dance ensemble