Training camp in Sebnitz

Finally, after a 2-year corona break, our dancers were able to make the one-hour journey to Sebnitz to work intensively on technique and choreography from Maundy Thursday to Easter Monday. Of course, such a long time without a training camp doesn’t go by without a trace and you first have to find your feet again. But apparently training camps are like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it.

In addition to successful rehearsals on the grapes, the Freite, the oracle and a few more, fun and Easter celebrations were at the top of our list of priorities. On Sunday morning, some of the dancers snuck out of the house before sunrise to fetch Easter water in the nearby forest. On Sunday afternoon there was a hike and in the evening small Easter presents were hidden and searched for on the grounds of the Kiez-Sebnitz. The group ended the evening with a game of bowling.

After several days of intensive training to prepare, among other things, for their next performance at the Dresden Spring Market on April 30, there was a run-through rehearsal on Monday where all the rehearsed dances were repeated.

After lunch on Easter Monday, the group headed back to Dresden, exhausted but happy to say goodbye to each other. But don’t worry, the next rehearsal is sure to come!

Training camp in Sebnitz