The courses take place in compliance with the current regulations and hygiene rules.
The ensemble meets every Wednesday night to enjoy dancing together – for beginners we offer folk dance lessons on Thursday nights. We start out with preparing our body for lifts, somersaults and other challenging figures and styles. Then we have a break for socialising which is followed by rehearsing choreographies and dances for events in Dresden, Germany and the world. The range of performances is wide – international festivals, dance competitions, public and booked events etc.
Our ensemble is a group of approximately 40 young women and men with diverse backgrounds, most of them students or graduates of TU Dresden and other HE institutions. At festivals we are accompanied by our group of musicians. In our weekly trainings and rehearsals we are supported by dance accompanists on the piano. Maud Butter, dance pedagogue and choreographer, is the artistic director of the group.
What we have in common is our joy in dancing, being part of a dynamic, cosmopolitan, friendly and welcoming group, fascinating activities and the excitement of being on stage. The ensemble and the shared experience have a great power of attraction which most of us cannot resist and therefore keep on dancing for years in the group – believe it or not, just check it out and see for yourself. Drop in and join us! We are looking forward to your personality, expression and your enthusiasm!
Our Training:
jeden Mittwoch von 19.00 Uhr bis 21.30 Uhr
(Für Tanzanfänger gibt es donnerstags den Volkstanzkurs)
Additional rehearsals?
ein Wochenende pro Monat, siehe Jahresplan
samstags: 9 bis 18 Uhr
sonntags: 9 bis 13 Uhr
Alte Mensa der TU Dresden, Eingang Mommsenstraße
Mommsenstraße 13, 01069 Dresden
Ermäßigt*: 12,- € pro Monat
Nicht-ermäßigt: 22,- € pro Monat
* Der ermäßigte Mitgliedschaftsbeitrag gilt für:
Studierende, Schüler, Auszubildende und Erwerbslose.Kostenloses Probetraining – einfach mal unverbindlich mitmachen und ausprobieren!